2. How to create a Cart modifier

Cart modifiers are simple plugins that allow you to define rules according to which carts should be modified (and in what order).

Generally, this is how you implement a “bulk rebate” module, for instance.

2.1. Writing a simple cart modifier for the whole cart

Let’s assume you want to provide a discount of 10% off the cart’s total to clients that buy more than 500$ of goods.

This will affect the price of the whole cart. We will therefore override the get_extra_cart_price_field() method of shop.cart.cart_modifiers_base.BaseCartModifier:

from shop.cart.cart_modifiers_base import BaseCartModifier
from decimal import Decimal # We need this because python's float are confusing

class MyModifier(BaseCartModifier):
    An example class that will grant a 10% discount to shoppers who buy
    more than 500 worth of goods.
    def get_extra_cart_price_field(self, cart, request):
        ten_percent = Decimal('10') / Decimal('100')
        # Now we need the current cart total. It's not just the subtotal field
        # because there may be other modifiers before this one
        total = cart.current_total

        if total > Decimal('500'):
            rebate_amount = total * ten_percent
            rebate_amount = - rebate_amount # a rebate is a negative difference
            extra_dict = { 'Rebate': '%s %%' % ten_percent }
            return ('My awesome rebate', rebate_amount)
            return None # None is no-op: it means "do nothing"

    def get_extra_cart_item_price_field(self, cart, request):
        # Do modifications per cart item here
        label = 'a label'  # to distinguish, which modifier changed the price
        extra_price = Decimal(0)  # calculate addition cost here, can be a negative value
        extra_dict = {}  # an optional Python dictionary serializable as JSON
                         # which can be used to store arbitrary data
        return (label, extra_price, extra_dict)

Adding this cart modifier to your SHOP_CART_MODIFIERS setting will enable it, and you should be able to already test that your cart displays a rebate when the total for the order is over 500.


When using cart.extra_price_fields.append('your label', price) you might want to use from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ for your label in multilingual projects. Please make sure that you use gettext

The request object is passed into the methods get_extra_cart_price_field and get_extra_cart_item_price_field. This object contains the additional temporary attribute cart_modifier_state. This is an empty Python dictionary, which can be used to pass arbitrary data from one cart modifier to another one.