.. _tutorial/simple-product: ========================= Modeling a simple product ========================= As a simple example, this tutorial uses Smart Cards as its first product. As emphasized in section :ref:`tutorial/customer-model`, **djangoSHOP** is not shipped with ready to use product models. Instead the merchant must declare these models based on the products properties. Lets have a look ar a model describing a typical Smart Card: .. literalinclude:: /../example/myshop/models/simple/smartcard.py :caption: myshop/models/simple/smartcard.py :linenos: :language: python :lines: 8-11, 15-22, 40-41 Here our model ``SmartCard`` inherits directly from ``BaseProduct``, which is a stub class, hence the most common fields, such as ``product_name``, ``slug`` and ``unit_price`` must be added to our product here. Later on we will see why these fields, even though required by each product, can not be part of our abstract model ``BaseProduct``. Additionally a smart card has some product specific properties: .. literalinclude:: /../example/myshop/models/simple/smartcard.py :linenos: :language: python :lines: 23-34 these class attributes depend heavily on the data sheet of the product to sell. Finally we also want to position our products into categories and sort them: .. literalinclude:: /../example/myshop/models/simple/smartcard.py :linenos: :language: python :lines: 34-40 The field ``order`` is used to keep track on the sequence of our products while rendering a list view. The field ``cms_pages`` specifies on which pages of the CMS a product shall appear. .. note:: If categories do not require to keep any technical properties, it often is completely sufficient to use CMS pages as their surrogates. Finally ``images`` is another many-to-many relation, allowing to associate none, one or more images to a product. Both fields ``cms_pages`` and ``images`` must use the through_ parameter. This is because we have two many-to-many mapping tables which are part of the merchant's project rather than the **djangoSHOP** application. The first of those mapping tables has foreign keys onto the models ``cms.Page`` and ``myshop.SmartCard``. The second table has foreign keys onto the models ``filer.Image`` and ``myshop.SmartCard`` again. Since the model ``myshop.SmartCard`` has been declared by the merchant himself, he also is responsible for managing those many-to-many mapping tables. .. _through: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/models/fields/#django.db.models.ManyToManyField.through Additionally each product model requires these attributes: * A model field or property method named ``product_name``: It must returns the product's name in its natural language. * A method ``get_price(request)``: Returns the product price. This can depend on the given region, which is available through the request object. * A method ``get_absolute_url()``: Returns the canonical URL of a product. * The ``object`` attribute must be of type ``BaseProductManager`` or derived from thereof. These product model attributes are optional, but highly recommended: * A model field or property method named ``product_code``: It shall returns a language independent product code or article number. * A property method ``sample_image``: It shall returns a sample image for the given product. Add Model ``myshop.SmartCard`` to Django Admin ============================================== For reasons just explained, it is the responsibility of the project to manage the many-to-many relations between its CMS pages and the images on one side, and the product on the other side. Therefore we can't use the built-in admin widget ``FilteredSelectMultiple`` for these relations. Instead **djangoSHOP** is shipped with a special mixin class ``CMSPageAsCategoryMixin``, which handles the relation between CMS pages and the product. This however implies that the field used to specify this relation is named ``cms_pages``. .. literalinclude:: /../example/myshop/admin/simple/smartcard.py :linenos: :language: python :lines: 6- For images, the admin class must use a special inline class named ``ProductImageInline``. This is because the merchant might want to arrange the order of the images and therefore a simple ``SelectMultiple`` widget won't do this job here. Extend our simple product to support other natural languages by :ref:`tutorial/multilingual-product`.