1. Tutorial

1.1. Introduction

This tutorial is aimed at people new to django SHOP but already familiar with Django. If you aren’t yet, reading their excellent Django Tutorial is highly recommended.

The steps outlined in this tutorial are meant to be followed in order.

1.2. Prepare the Installation

To run the examples shown in this tutorial, you must install django-shop from GitHub, since the pip-installable from PyPI only contains the main files. Before proceeding, please make sure virtualenv is installed on your system, otherwise you would pollute your Python site-packages folder.

Also ensure that these packages are installed using the favorite package manager of your operating system:

$ virtualenv shoptutorial
$ source shoptutorial/bin/activate
$ mkdir Tutorial; cd Tutorial
(shoptutorial)$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/awesto/django-shop
(shoptutorial)$ cd django-shop
(shoptutorial)$ pip install -e .
(shoptutorial)$ pip install -r requirements/tutorial.txt
(shoptutorial)$ npm install
(shoptutorial)$ bower install

these statements will setup an environment, which runs a demo shop out of the box.

You may populate the database with your own products, or if impatient, Quickstart a Running Demo using prepared CMS page layouts, products and media files.

1.2.1. Create a database for the demo

Finally we must create a database to run our example project:

(shoptutorial)$ cd example
(shoptutorial)$ export DJANGO_DEBUG=1
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py migrate
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
Email address: admin@example.org
Username: admin
Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py runserver

Finally point a browser onto http://localhost:8000/ and log in as the superuser you just created.

1.3. Add some pages to the CMS

In djangoSHOP, every page, with the exception of the product’s detail pages, can be rendered by the CMS. Therefore, unless you need a special landing page, start immediately with the Catalog List View of your products. Change into the Django Admin backend, chose the section

Start > django CMS > Pages

and add a Page. As its Title chose “Smart Cards”. Then change into the Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page. In this editor window, locate the field Application and select Products List. Then save the page and click on View on site.

Now change into Structure mode and locate the placeholder named Main content container. Add a plugin from section Bootstrap named Row. Below that Row add a Column with a width of 12 units. Finally, below the last Column add a plugin from section Shop named Catalog List View.

Now we have a working catalog list view, but since we havn’t added any products to the database yet, we won’t see any items on our page.