.. _reference/filters: ================================= Filter Products by its Attributes ================================= Besides :ref:`reference/search`, adding a filtering functionality to an e-commerce site is another very important feature. Customers must be able to narrow down a huge list of available products to a small set of desired products using a combination of prepared filter attributes. In **django-SHOP**, we model each product according to its own properties, the color for instance. The customer then might filter the listed products, selecting one or more of the given properties, the color "blue" for instance. Therefore, when creating a database schema, we add that property to our product model. This can either be a hard coded list of enumerated choices, or if we need a more flexible approach, a foreign key onto another model referring to that specific property. If our product model allows more than one attribute of the same property, then we would use a many-to-many-key in our database. The contents of this additional property model (or hard coded property list), then is used to create a set of available filtering options, from which the customer can select one (if allowed, also more) options to narrow down the list of products with that specific attributes. Fortunately, the REST framework in combination with `Django Filter`_, makes it a rather simple task to implement this kind of filtering functionality on top of the existing product models. Adding a Filter to the List View ================================ In **django-SHOP** showing a list of products, normally is controlled by the classes :class:`shop.views.catalog.ProductListView` or :class:`shop.views.catalog.CMSPageProductListView`. By default these View classes are configured to use the default filter backends as provided by the REST framework. These filter backends can be configured globally through the settings variable ``DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS``. Additionally we can subclass the filter backends for each View class in our ``urls.py``. Say, we need a special catalog filter, which groups our products by a certain product attribute. Then we can create a customized filter backend .. code-block:: python :caption: filters.py from rest_framework.filters import BaseFilterBackend class CatalogFilterBackend(BaseFilterBackend): def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): queryset = queryset.order_by('attribute__sortmetric') return queryset In ``urls.py``, where we route requests to the class :class:`shop.views.catalog.ProductListView`, we then replace the default filter backends by our own implementation: .. code-block:: python :caption: myshop/urls/catalog.py from django.conf.urls import url from rest_framework.settings import api_settings from shop.views.catalog import ProductListView urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', ProductListView.as_view( filter_backends=[CatalogFilterBackend], ), ] The above example is very simple but gives a rough impression on its possibilities. Working with Django-Filter -------------------------- `Django Filter`_ is a generic, reusable application to alleviate writing some of the more mundane bits of view code. Specifically, it allows users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields, displaying the form to let them do this. REST framework also includes support for `generic filtering backends`_ that allow you to easily construct complex searches and filters. By creating a class which inherits from :class:`django_filters.FilterSet`, we can build filters against each attribute of our product. This filter then uses the passed in query parameters to restrict the set of products available from our current catalog view. Presume that our product model uses a foreign key onto a model holding all manufactures. We then can create a simple filter class to restrict our list view onto a certain manufacturer: .. code-block:: python :caption: myshop/filters.py from django.forms import forms, widgets import django_filters from djng.forms import NgModelFormMixin from myshop.models.product import MyProduct, Manufacturer class FilterForm(NgModelFormMixin, forms.Form): scope_prefix = 'filters' class ProductFilter(django_filters.FilterSet): manufacturer = django_filters.ModelChoiceFilter( queryset=Manufacturer.objects.all(), widget=Select(attrs={'ng-change': 'filterChanged()'}), empty_label="Any Manufacturer") class Meta: model = MyProduct form = FilterForm fields = ['manufacturer'] @classmethod def get_render_context(cls, request, queryset): """ Prepare the context for rendering the filter. """ filter_set = cls() # we only want to show manufacturers for products available in the current list view filter_field = filter_set.filters['manufacturer'].field filter_field.queryset =filter_field.queryset.filter( id__in=queryset.values_list('manufacturer_id')) return dict(filter_set=filter_set) To this filter class we can combine as many fields as we need, but in this example, we just use the foreign key to the manufacturer model. For all available filter field types, please check the appropriate documentation in `Django Filter`_. We then can add this filter class to our product list view. In **django-SHOP** this normally is done through the url patterns: .. code-block:: python :caption: myshop/urls.py urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', ProductListView.as_view( filter_class=ProductFilter, )), # other patterns ] By appending ``?manufacturer=7`` to the URL, the above filter class will restrict the products in our list view to those manufactured by the database entry with a primary key of 7. Populate the Render Context --------------------------- Filtering functionality without an appropriate user interface doesn't make much sense. Therefore, when rendering the product's list view, we might want to add some input fields or special links, so that the customer can narrow down the result set. To do this, the rendering template requires additional context data. Since **django-SHOP** honours the principle of cohesion, each filter set is responsible for providing the context required to render its specific filtering parameters. This extra context must be provided by a class-method named ``get_render_context(request, queryset)``, which must return a dictionary containing an instance of that filter set. While rendering HTML pages, this extra context then can be used to render various tag filtering elements, such as a ```` box, **django-SHOP** is shipped with a reusable directive named ``shopProductFilter``. Sample HTML snippet: .. code-block:: django
{{ filter.filter_set.form }}
or if your filter set forms uses more than one attribute: .. code-block:: django
{{ filter.filter_set.form }}
The Angular directive ``shopProductFilter`` is declared inside the shop's ``shop/js/filters.js`` module, so make sure to include that file. Additionally, that module must be initialized while bootstrapping our Angular application: .. code-block:: javascript angular.module('myShop', [..., 'django.shop.filter', ...]); Each time the customer selects another manufacturer, the function ``filterChanged`` emits an event intercepted by the AngularJS directive ``shopListProducts``, which consequently fetches a list of products using the filtering class as shown above. Apart from forwarding changes detected in our ``