.. _tutorial/quickstart: ======================= Quickstart using Docker ======================= To get a first impression of the **django-SHOP** demos, please use the prepared Docker compose file. If not already available on your workstation, first install the `Docker runtime environment`_ and start the local Docker machine. .. _tutorial/prepared-docker-image: Start with a prepared Docker Image ================================== To run a set of configured **django-SHOP** containers on your local machine: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/awesto/django-shop $ cd django-shop $ export DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=commodity $ docker-compose up --build -d This will take a few minutes, so have a coffee. If everything has been built, check if all containers are up and running: .. code-block:: bash $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ddd453ae7eda demoshop "uwsgi --ini uwsgi..." 13 seconds ago Up 12 seconds>9009/tcp djangoshop_wsgiapp_1 7a39223ccd25 demoshop "su django -c /web..." 13 seconds ago Up 12 seconds djangoshop_worker_1 780c10e59831 elasticsearch:1.7.5 "/docker-entrypoin..." 15 seconds ago Up 13 seconds>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp elasticsearch 649ea9042252 redis "docker-entrypoint..." 15 seconds ago Up 14 seconds 6379/tcp djangoshop_redishost_1 7144f3e1a801 postgres "docker-entrypoint..." 15 seconds ago Up 14 seconds 5432/tcp djangoshop_postgresdb_1 The container ``djangoshop_wsgiapp_1`` is the actual webservice. Thanks to uWSGI_ it listens for HTTP requests. This can be changed though, see below. The container ``djangoshop_worker_1`` is based on the same image as ``djangoshop_wsgiapp_1``, and its only purpose is to execute asynchronous tasks, such as delivering emails, indexing the search engine and removing obsolete rows from the database. The remaining three containers are based on their standard images as found on the Docker Hub: * ``djangoshop_postgresdb_1`` provides the Postgres database. * ``djangoshop_redishost_1`` provides a shared memory datastore with integrated message queue. * ``elasticsearch`` provides fulltext index search engine. Browse the demo --------------- First locate the IP address of your Docker machine using ``docker-machine ip default``. Then point a browser onto this address using port 9009, for instance (the IP address may vary depending on your Docker machine settings) or http://localhost:9009/ if running on Linux. After the containers started, it may take a few minutes until the database is ready. The first time a page is loaded, this also takes additional time because all images must be thumbnailed. The search index will be available only after a few minutes. Note: Searching is not available for the simple demos ``commodity`` and ``i18n_commodity``. Stopping the containers ----------------------- Stop and remove all containers by invoking: .. code-block:: bash $ docker-compose down All changes are persisted inside their Docker volumes. List them using: .. code-block:: bash $ docker volume ls local djangoshop_esdata local djangoshop_pgdata local djangoshop_redisdata local djangoshop_shopmedia To access the administration backed, navigate to and sign in as user "*admin*" with password "*secret*". If you navigate to any page of the shop, you may switch into live edit mode and change the content of the various pages, including the product's details pages. Try out the other examples -------------------------- By changing the environment variable ``DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL`` to ``commodity``, ``i18n_commodity``, ``smartcard``, ``i18n_smartcard``, ``polymorphic`` or ``i18n_polymorphic``, you can examine one of the other prepared examples. Afterwards re-create the container using the already built Docker images: .. code-block:: bash $ export DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=i18n_commodity $ docker-compose up -d Troubleshooting --------------- If something doesn't work as expected, first check the logs, for instance as: .. code-block:: bash $ docker container logs djangoshop_wsgiapp_1 To access a running Docker container, attach to it using: .. code-block:: bash $ docker exec -ti djangoshop_wsgiapp_1 /bin/bash [root@example]# ps fax If you don't have a running container, but want to examine the image's content, create a "throw-away" container and access files through the shared volumes: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run --rm -ti --volume djangoshop_shopmedia:/web/workdir demoshop /bin/bash [root@example]# ls -l /web/workdir .. _Docker runtime environment: https://docs.docker.com/windows/ .. _uWSGI: https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Configure an outgoing SMTP server --------------------------------- In order to deliver emails to a real address, we must configure an outgoing SMTP-relay. Please set these environment variables, or edit the file ``example/docker-files/email.environ`` and configure the relay connection and their credentials using: * DJANGO_EMAIL_HOST * DJANGO_EMAIL_PORT * DJANGO_EMAIL_USER * DJANGO_EMAIL_PASSWORD * DJANGO_EMAIL_USE_TLS * DJANGO_EMAIL_FROM * DJANGO_EMAIL_REPLY_TO Now proceed with the next section, by :ref:`tutorial/add-pages-cms`.