1. Tutorial

This tutorial is aimed at people new to django SHOP but already familiar with Django. If you aren’t yet, reading their excellent Django Tutorial is highly recommended.

Since django-SHOP relies on many features offered by django-CMS and Django REST Framework, you should familiarize yourself with these apps.

1.1. Introduction

Django-SHOP is an e-commerce framework rather than a turn-key solution. Therefore beginners are strongly recommended to start with one of the provided examples. These demos are what we describe as the “merchant implementation”. Here merchants provide their product models, templates and everything else, which is required to get their customized shop up and running. This approach allows us to implement every desired extra feature, without having to implement everything from scratch.

Currently django-SHOP is shipped with 6 merchant demo implementations:

You may install them manually and populate their content yourself. The recommended way however, is to install them manually, and Populate the Database using Fixtures.

If you have a Docker runtime on your workstation, an even quicker approach is to Quickstart using Docker.

1.2. Prepare the Installation

To run the examples shown in this tutorial, you must install django-SHOP from GitHub, since the pip-installable from PyPI only contains the framework, but not the files required for the demos. Before proceeding, please make sure virtualenv is installed on your system, otherwise you would pollute your Python site-packages folder.

Because we are using the current Github master for this tutorial, you must also use the documentation for the current Github master. If you are reading this document on Read The Docs, please look for the version selector (usually at the bottom of the screen) and select “latest”.

Also ensure that these packages are installed using the favorite package manager of your operating system:

$ mkdir Tutorial; cd Tutorial
$ virtualenv -p $(which python3) shoptutorial
$ source shoptutorial/bin/activate
(shoptutorial)$ pip install -U pip setuptools
(shoptutorial)$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/awesto/django-shop
(shoptutorial)$ cd django-shop
(shoptutorial)$ pip install 'Django<2.0' 'django-select2<6.1' 'django-angular<2.1'
(shoptutorial)$ pip install -r requirements/common.txt
(shoptutorial)$ pip install --no-deps -e .
(shoptutorial)$ cd example
(shoptutorial)$ npm install

These statements will setup an environment that runs one of the demo shops out of the box.


We recommend that you use Python 3, but if you stuck with Python-2.7, please note that you have to additionally invoke pip install enum34 funcsigs.

1.2.1. Create a database for the demo

Finally we must create a database to run our example project:

(shoptutorial)$ cd django-shop/example
(shoptutorial)$ export DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=commodity DJANGO_DEBUG=1
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py migrate
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
Email address: admin@example.org
Username: admin
Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py runserver

If Elasticsearch is installed and running, optionally build the search index:

(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py rebuild_index

Finally point a browser onto http://localhost:8000/ and log in as the superuser you just created.

Presumably you are somehow disappointed now, because there is only one empty page served by the CMS and no pages for the catalog, the cart, the checkout and the orders – yet! In django-SHOP this is by intention, because we prefer to arrange our web components inside the CMS rather than using hard coded templates.

For gaining a first impression of django-SHOP, this can be quite annoying. Therefore it is recommended to Populate the Database using Fixtures.

1.2.2. Populate the Database using Fixtures

Unless you want to populate the shop from scratch with your own categories, products, and pages for the cart, checkout and order views, then proceed with one of the prepared fixtures. There is one fixture file and a folder of media files for each demo. These files are not shipped within the repository, but downloaded separately from the Internet using these commands:

(shoptutorial)$ cd django-shop/example
(shoptutorial)$ export DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=commodity DJANGO_DEBUG=1
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py initialize_shop_demo
(shoptutorial)$ ./manage.py runserver

Point a browser onto http://localhost:8000/ and wait a few minutes until the files are loaded into the database.

This runs the demo for The Commodity Product Model. By changing the environment variable DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL to i18n_commodity, smartcard, i18n_smartcard, polymorphic or i18n_polymorphic, you can examine one of the other prepared examples. Afterwards re-run ./manage.py initialize_shop_demo for each of them.

All demos can be started independently from each other, but you are encouraged to begin with the commodity example, and then proceed to the more complicate ones.


The first time, django-SHOP renders a page, images must be thumbnailed and cropped. This is an expensive operation which runs only once. Therefore please be patient, when loading pages for the first time.

1.3. Adding pages to the CMS

Before adding pages or products, we must sign in as a Django staff user. If our demo has been loaded through one of the prepared fixtures, use user admin with password secret. After signing in, a small arrow appears on the top right in our browser. Clicking on that arrow expands the Django-CMS toolbar.


Click on the menu item named example.com and select Pages .... This opens the Django-CMS Page Tree. In django-SHOP, every page, can be rendered by the CMS. Therefore, unless we need a special landing page, we can start immediately with the Catalog’s List View of our products. The demos commodity, i18n_commodity, smartcard and i18n_smartcard are configured in such a way.

Click on New Page to create a new Page. As its Title choose “Catalog” or whatever seems appropriate. Then change into the Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page. In this editor window, locate the field Template and choose the default.

Since we want to attach the products list view to our page, we must select Catalog List from the drop down menu named Application. Then save the page and click on View on site.


In the demos commodity and i18n_commodity, the Catalog List View redirects onto its lonely product, therefore we can’t access that page – yet. More on that later.

Change into Structure mode and locate the placeholder named Main Content. Add a plugin from section Bootstrap named Row. Below that Row add a Column with a width of 12 units. Finally, below the last Column add a plugin from section Shop named Catalog List View.

Now we have a working catalog list view, but since we haven’t added any products to the database yet, we won’t see any items on our page.

1.3.1. Understanding the Routes

Behind the scenes, django-CMS allows us to attach Django Views to any existing CMS page. In our implementation, such a routing can be implemented as:

from django.conf.urls import url
from shop.views.catalog import AddToCartView, ProductListView, ProductRetrieveView
from shop.cms_apphooks import CatalogListCMSApp

class CatalogListApp(CatalogListCMSApp):
    def get_urls(self, page=None, language=None, **kwargs):
        return [
            url(r'^$', ProductListView.as_view()),
            url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/?$', ProductRetrieveView.as_view()),
            url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/add-to-cart', AddToCartView.as_view()),


This is all, what our Catalog List View does and in django-CMS, this is named an apphook. Such an apphook allows us to extend an existing CMS page with classic Django Views routed onto sub-URLs of our page. Here we create additional routes, but these three views also serve another purpose: The enrich the rendering context by a Python dictionary named data. This dictionary contains everything we need to render our catalog’s list- or detail-view and can be accessed by the rendering templates.

1.4. The Commodity Product Model

The commodity demo shows how to setup a monolingual shop, with a single generic product, named Commodity. The product model shop.models.defauls.commodity.Commodity is part of the django-SHOP framework. It is intended for shops where the merchant does not want to create a customized product model, but rather prefers to create the product’s detail views using common CMS functionality. Here for demonstration purpose we try to sell a house, hence it is practical that we can layout our CMS page the way we want to and we can add whatever Django-CMS plugins are available.

A Commodity model contains only the following attributes:

  • The name of the product.
  • The product code.
  • The slug (a short label used as the last bit in the URLs).
  • The product’s unit price.
  • One sample image to be shown in the catalog’s list view.
  • A caption to be shown in the catalog’s list view.

The detail view for each product must however be styled individually using a django-CMS placeholder together with the plugin system provided, for instance by djangocms-cascade. This gives the merchant all the flexibility to style each product’s detail page individually and without having to create a special HTML template. Into the provided placeholder we then can add as many text fields as we want. Additionally we can use image galleries, carousels, different backgrounds, tab sets, etc.

One plugin which should always be present on a product’s detail page, is the Add Product to Cart plugin as found in section Shop. Otherwise a customer wouldn’t be able to add that product to the cart and thus purchasing anything.

Using the Commodity product model only makes sense, if the merchant does not require special product attributes and normally is only suitable for shops with up to a dozen articles. Otherwise, creating a reusable HTML template is probably less effort, than filling the placeholder for each product’s detail page individually.

The commodity demo contains just one product, a splendid villa. In such a situation, we usually don’t want to render the catalogs list view, but instead want to get redirected onto our lonely product. Therefore, by rewriting our catalogs list view to ProductListView.as_view(redirect_to_lonely_product=True), we can instruct the router to behave so.

1.5. The Internationalized Commodity Product Model

The i18n_commodity demo shows how to setup a shop, with the same generic product as in the previous example. However, these attributes now are translatable into multiple natural languages:

  • The name of the product.
  • The slug.
  • A caption to be shown in the catalog’s list view.

Using this internationalized version, requires to configure I18N = True in our settings.py. Additionally we must install django-parler. By doing so, the product model from above shop.models.defauls.commodity.Commodity, is replaced by an internationalized version.

All other product attributes, such as unit price and product code are shared across all languages.

1.6. The Smart Card Product Model

The smartcard demo shows how to setup a shop with a model, created explicitly to describe a certain type of product. Smart Cards have many different attributes such as their card type, the manufacturer, storage capacity and the maximum transfer speed. Here it’s the merchant’s responsibility to create the database model according to the physical properties of the product.

The class myshop.models.smartcard.SmartCard therefore is not part of the shop’s framework, but rather in the merchant’s implementation as found in our example.

Creating a customized product model is only a few lines of declarative Python code. Additionally we have to create a Django template using HTML. It however keeps us from having to build a page using plugins, for each product item we want to offer. It also helps us to structure our products using attributes rather than describing them in a free form.

1.7. The Internationalized Smart Card Model

The i18n_smartcard demo is a variation of the above example, with a few attributes translated into multiple languages, namely caption and description. The product name of a Smart Card is international anyways and doesn’t require to be translated into different langauges. Hence we don’t require a translatable field for the product name and its slug.

1.8. The Polymorphic Product Model

The polymorphic demo is a combination from all of the examples from above. Here we declare a base product model using the class myshop.models.polymorphic_.Product. We also declare common fields available in all of our different product types. These fields act as the smallest common denominator for the views where we want to display summary information about our products, independently of their characteristics. This generally is the product’s name, a thumbnailed image, the price and often a caption.

List views showing a summary information about our products are the Cart View, the Order Detail View and eventually the Catalog List View.

The model classes for Smart Card, Smart Phone and a variation of Commodity then inherits from this base product class. These models additionally can declare attributes required to describe the physical properties of each product type. Since they vary, we also have to create special templates for the detail views of each of them. Smart Phones for instance allow product variations, therefore we must adopt the template for adding the product to the cart.

1.9. The Internationalized Polymorphic Product Model

The i18n_polymorphic demo is a variation of the above example, with a few attributes translated into multiple languages, namely caption and description. This sample implementation does not use translated slugs, although it would be possible.

1.10. Use one of the demos as a starting point for your project

Depending on the needs of your e-commerce site, the easiest approach to start with your implementation of django-SHOP, is to use one of the six demo samples from above:

  • If you only require a free form product description, go ahead with the commodity or i18n_commodity sample.
  • If you need a shop with one specific product type, then go ahead with the smartcard or i18n_smartcard sample. Rename the product model to whatever makes sense and add additional fields to describe the properties of your model.
  • If you need a shop with different product types, then go ahead with the polymorphic or i18n_polymorphic sample. Specify the common fields in the product’s base class and add additional fields to describe the properties each of your product model.

It also is suggested to reuse the current structure of CMS pages and placeholders from the given samples. Having a working implementation, it is much easier to gradually modify it, until you reach a final goal, rather than starting with an empty site from scratch.