Changelog for django-SHOP


  • Adopted for django-angular version 2.0, which breaks its API. Invalid forms rejected by the server are send with a status code of 422 now. Check their changelog for details.
  • Adopted to AngularJS-1.6.6, which required to replace all .success() handlers against a promise .then().
  • RESTifyed the communication with the server, by using HTTP methods PUT and DELETE where appropriate.
  • Rename PayInAdvanceWorkflowMixin to ManualPaymentWorkflowMixin, since its purpose is to handle all incoming/outgoing payments manually.
  • Move LeftExtensionPlugin and RightExtensionPlugin into module shop/cascade/extensions and allow them to be used on the ShopOrderViewsPlugin as well.
  • Refactored ShopReorderButtonPligin and ShopOrderAddendumFormPlugin to use the new djng-forms-set directive, as provided by django-angular version 2.0.
  • ShopOrderAddendumFormPlugin can optionally render historical annotations for the given order.
  • Added hook methods cancelable() and refund_payment() to BaseOrder to allow a better order cancelling interface.
  • Paid but unshipped orders, now can be refunded. Possible be refactoring class CancelOrderWorkflowMixin, which handles payment refunds.
  • Add Order status to Order Detail View, so that the customer immediately sees what’s going on.
  • Reject method POST on Order List View.
  • Fix: On re-add item to cart, use product_code to identify if that product already exists in cart.
  • Do not render buttons and links related to the watch-list, when it is not available.
  • Use Sekizai’s templatetags {% add_data %} and {% with_data %} instead of Sekizai’s postprocessors djng.sekizai_processors.module_config and djng.sekizai_processors.module_list, which now are deprecated.
  • Remove HTTP-Header X-HTTP-Method-Override and use PUT and DELETE requests natively.
  • Remove django-angular dependency djng.url from project.
  • Endpoints in JavaScript are always referenced through HTML. This eliminates the need for 'djng.middleware.AngularUrlMiddleware' in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES of your
  • Use Django’s internal password validator configuration AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS in your
  • Refactored all templates for authentication forms to simplify inheritance and to use the promise chain (offered by django-angular 2.0). This allows to do fine-grained adoptions in the submit buttons behaviour.
  • Decoupled all checkout forms. They don’t require dialog.js, forms-sets.js and auth.js anymore. Instead use the functionality provided by django-angular 2.0 form directives.
  • Use a REST endpoint to add, modify and delete multiple shipping and billing addresses. This simplifies the address forms. Remove shipping-address.js and replace it against a more generic address.js.
  • Use an event broadcast shop.carticon.caption to inform the carticon about changes in the cart.
  • Add an overridable CartIconCaptionSerializer to specify what to render in the cart-icon.
  • Use event broadcasting to inform the checkout forms if configured in summary mode. This decouples checkout form updates, from rendering their summary on another page or process step.
  • Add operator to test Money type against booleans.
  • Fix: Adopt polymorphic ModelAdmin-s to django-polymorphic>=1.0.
  • Add to ShopProceedButton: Disable button if any form in this set is invalid.
  • Use vanilla Javascript in serverside JS-expressions.
  • Decoupled CheckoutViewSet from CartViewSet, so that the checkout only handles forms relevant to the checkout process.
  • Endpoint digest in CheckoutViewSet, returns a full description of all forms, plus the current cart’s content. Fetching from there is emit a shop.checkout.digest event.
  • Added directives shop-payment-method and shop-shipping-method which update the cart and emit a shop.checkout.digest event on change.
  • Fix: All form input field get their own unique HTML id. Previously some id‘s were used twice and caused collisions.
  • Fix: Do not rebuild list of cart items, on each change of quantity.
  • Separate CartController into itself and a CartItemControler.
  • Consistent naming of emit and broadcast events.
  • Introduce CartSummarySerializer to retrieve a smaller checkout digest.
  • In Shipping- and Payment Method Form, optionally show additional charges below the radio fields, depending on the selected method.
  • Remove angular-message from the list of npm dependencies.


  • Fix: Python3 can not handle None type in max() function.
  • Smoother animation when showing Payment form.


  • Fix #708: Passing None when calling django.template.loader.select_template in shop/cascade/


  • Fix: Money formatter did not work for search results.
  • Image building uses docker-compose with official images instead of a crafted Dockerfile.


  • Fix: Template context error while rendering Order List-View as Visitor.
  • Fix: Money formatter to allow the usage of the thousand separator.
  • Fix: It now is possible to use the ProductListView as the main CMS landing page.
  • Fix: Template exception if left- or right extension was missing on the OrderList and/or OrderDetail view.
  • Add option to Catalog List View: It now is possible to redirect automatically onto a lonely product.
  • Add options to override the add-to-cart template when using the appropriate CMS Cascade plugin.
  • Add option to add a list of products to the navigation node serving a catalog list page.
  • Upgrade external dependencies to their latest compatible versions.


  • Fix: Problems with missing Left- and Right Extension Plugin.
  • Ready for Django-1.11 if used with django-CMS-3.4.5
  • Ready for django-restframework-3.7
  • Tested with recent versions of other third party libraries.
  • Fix issues with enum types when importing fixtures.
  • Add Swedish Kronor to currencies.


  • Do not render buttons and links related to the watch-list, when it is not available.
  • Fix: Adopt polymorphic ModelAdmin-s to django-polymorphic>=1.0.
  • Use Sekizai’s internal templatetags {% with_data ... %} and {% with_data %} to render Sekizai blocks ng-requires and ng-config rather than using the deprecated postprocessors djng.sekizai_processors.module_list and djng.sekizai_processors.module_config. Adopt your templates accordingly as explained in Client Side Framework.
  • Rename PayInAdvanceWorkflowMixin to ManualPaymentWorkflowMixin, since its purpose is to handle all incoming/outgoing payments manually.
  • Move LeftExtensionPlugin and RightExtensionPlugin into module shop/cascade/extensions and allow them to be used on the ShopOrderViewsPlugin as well.
  • ShopOrderAddendumFormPlugin can optionally render historical annotations for the given order.
  • Added hook methods cancelable() and refund_payment() to BaseOrder to allow a better order cancelling interface.
  • Paid but unshipped orders, now can be refunded. Possible be refactoring class CancelOrderWorkflowMixin, which handles payment refunds.
  • Add Order status to Order Detail View, so that the customer immediately sees what’s going on.
  • Add support for Python-3.6.


  • Fix migration 0007_notification to handle field mail_to correctly.
  • Allow transition to cancel order only for special targets.
  • Add operator to test Money type against booleans.


  • Fix: always uses the template offered by the CMS page, rather than invoking method get_template_names() from the corresponding APIView class.
  • Feature: Add which is the counterpart of, usable for hardcoded Django views.
  • Refactor: In examples polymorphic and i18n_polymorphic, renamed SmartPhone to SmartPhoneVariant.
  • Feature: In use a widget which renders the currency.
  • Refactor: In, drop support for implicit default value, since it causes more trouble than benefit.
  • Fix: Handle non-decimal types in
  • Fix: In AngularJS, changes on filters and the search field did not work on Safari.
  • Fix: In create a customer object from request for a visiting customers, rather than responding with BAD REQUEST.
  • Fix: shop.models.order.OrderManager.get_summary_url() only worked for views rendered as CMS page. Now it also works for static Django views.
  • Simplified all methods get_urls() from all classes derived from CMSApp by exploiting CMS-PR 5898 introduced with django-CMS-3.4.4.
  • Remove field customer from shop.serializers.order.OrderListSerializer, since it interfered with the customer object on the global template_context namespace, causing template shop/navbar/login-logout.html to fail.
  • Management command fix_filer_bug_965 is obsolete with django-filer-1.2.8.
  • Fix: Use caption in Order Detail View.
  • Add Leaflet Map plugin from djangocms-cascade for demonstration purpose.
  • Moved package.json into example/package.json (and with it node_modules) since it shall be part of the project, rather than the Django app.
  • Fix: In shop.models.order.BaseOrderItem.populate_from_cart_item() the unit_price is takes from the cart_item, rather than beeing recalculated.
  • shop.cascade.cart.ShopCartPlugin accepts two children: ShopLeftExtension and ShopRightExtension which can be used to add plugins inside the cart’s table footer.
  • In shop.models.notification.Notification renamed field mail_to to recipient and converted it to a ForeignKey. Added an enum field notify to distinguish between different kinds of recipients.
  • Refactored CustomerStateField into a reusable shop.models.fields.ChoiceEnumField which can be used for both, Notify as well as CustomerState.
  • Adopted to djangocms-cascade version 0.14, which allows to render static pages using plugin descriptions in JSON.
  • Added Paginator to Order List View.
  • Refactored shop.app_settings into shop.conf.app_settings to be usable by Sphinx in docstrings.
  • Added shop.models.order.BaseOrder.get_all_transitions() which returns all possible transitions for the the Order class.
  • In do not pollute template_context with serialized data on the root level.
  • Fix #623: Template auth/register-user.html did not validate properly, when Reset password was checked.
  • Added AngularJS filter range to emulate enumerations in JavaScript.
  • Fallback to hard-coded URL if CMS page for “Continue Shopping” is missing.


  • Fixed migration error in
  • Fixed #554: Email is no longer created when notification is triggered.
  • Fixed: Using a ManyToManyField through ProductPage ignores the blank attribute, when saving a product in the admin backend.
  • Hard code “Cart” into tooltip for cart icon, until is fixed.
  • Renders a nicer summary when rendering a multiple address form.
  • Fixed: When placeholder is None raises AttributeError.


  • Fixed #537 and #539: Rendering data in template has different results after upgrading to 0.10.


  • In the backend, OrderAdmin and OrderItemAdmin may render the dictionary extra from their associated models using a special template.
  • In OrderAdmin use methods get_fields() and get_readonly_fields() as intended.
  • Tested with Django-1.10. Drop support for Django-1.8.
  • If an anonymous customer logs in, his current cart is merged with a cart, which has previously been created. This has been adopted to re-use the method Product.is_in_cart() in and finds it’s Merge the contents of the other cart into this one, afterwards delete it.
  • Moved field salutation from shop.models.customer.BaseCustomer into the merchant implementation. If your project does not use the provided default customer model shop.models.defaults.customer.Customer, then you should add the salutation field to your implementation of the Customer model, if that makes sense in your use-case.
  • Refactored the defaults settings for shop using an AppSettings object.
  • Refactored all serializers into their own folder shop/serializers with submodules,, and The serializers CustomerSerializer, ProductSummarySerializer and OrderItemSerializer now are configurable through the application settings.
  • AngularJS directive <shop-auth-form ...> now listens of the event “pressed ENTER key” and submits the form data accordingly.
  • Upgraded to AngularJS version 1.5.9.
  • HTML5 mode is the default now.
  • The previously required additional endpoint for the autocomplete search, can now be be merged into the same endpoint as connected to the catalog’s list view. This has been made possible by the wrapper which dispatch incoming requests to either the shop.views.catalog.ProductListView or, for search queries to
  • Added choice option “Infinite Scroll” to the Cascade plugins Catalog List View and Search Results. They influence if the paginator is rendered or trigger an event to load more results from the server.
  • Changed all Cascade plugins to follow the new API introduced in djangocms-cascade version 0.12.
  • Directive shop-product-filter must be member of a <form ...> element.
  • Unified the plugins ShippingAddressFormPlugin and BillingAddressFormPlugin into one plugin named CheckoutAddressPlugin, where the merchant can choose between the shipping- or billing form.
  • Refactored shop.forms.checkout.AddressForm and fixed minor bugs when editing multiple addresses.
  • In address models, replaced CharField for country against a special CountryField.
  • Change value of BaseShippingAddress.address_type to shipping and BaseBillingAddress.address_type to billing.
  • Method shop.models.order.OrderManager.get_latest_url() falls back to reverse('shop-order-last') if no such page with ID shop-order-last was found in the CMS.
  • Use menu_title instead of page title for link and tooltip content.
  • In DialogForm, field plugin_id is not required anymore.
  • After a new customer recognized himself, the signal customer_recognized is fired so that other apps can act upon.
  • Unified ProductCommonSerializer, ProductSummarySerializer and ProductDetailSerializer into a single ProductSerializer, which acts as default for the ProductListView and ProductRetrieveView.
  • Dependency to djangocms-cascade is optional now.
  • Added alternative compressor for {% render_block "js/css" "shop.sekizai_processors.compress" %} which can handle JS/CSS files provided using {% addtoblock "js/css" ... %} even if located outside the /static/ folders.
  • Added method post_process_cart_item to the Cart Modifiers.
  • In CartItem the product_code is mandatory now. It moves from being optionally kept in dict CartItem.extra into the CartItem model itself. This simplifies a lot of boilerplate code, otherwise required by the merchant implementation. Please read Release notes for version 0.10 for details.
  • In shop.models.product.BaseProduct added a hook method get_product_variant(self, **kwargs) which can be overridden by products with variations to return a product variant.


  • Added template context processor shop.context_processors.ng_model_options() to add the settings EDITCART_NG_MODEL_OPTIONS and ADD2CART_NG_MODEL_OPTIONS. Please check your templates to see, if you still use ng_model_options.
  • Allows to add children to the CartPlugin. These children are added to the table foot of the rendered cart.
  • Added AngularJS directive <ANY shop-forms-set> which can be used as a wrapper, when the proceed button shall be added to a page containing <form ...> elements with built in validation.
  • All Cascade plugins use GlossaryField instead of a list of PartialFormField s. This is much more “Djangonic”, but requires djangocms-cascade version 0.11 or later.
  • All urlpatterns are compatible with configurations adding a final / to the request URL.
  • The URL for accessing an Order object, now uses the order number instead of it’s primary key.


  • Minimum required version of django-filer is now 1.2.5.
  • Minimum required version of djangocms-cascade is now 0.10.2.
  • Minimum required version of djangoshop-stripe is now 0.2.0.
  • Changed the default address models to be more generic. Please read the Release notes for version 0.9 if you are upgrading from 0.9.0 or 0.9.1.
  • Fixed to avoid repetitive useless generation of migration files.
  • Using cached_property decoration for methods unit_price and line_total in shop.models.order.OrderItem.
  • Fixed #333: Accessing the cart when there is no cart associated with a customer.
  • Removed Apphook shop.cms_apps.OrderApp. This class now must be added to the project’s This allows the merchant to override the and
  • Bugfix: declared django-rest-auth as requirement in
  • Refactored shop.models.deferred -> shop.deferred. This allows to add a check for pending mappings into the ready-method of the shop’s AppConfig.
  • Prepared for Django-1.10: Replaced all occurrences of django.conf.urls.patterns() by a simple list.
  • Method get_render_context in classes extending from django_filters.FilterSet now must be a classmethod accepting a request object and the querystring.
  • Method get_renderer_context in class CMSPageProductListView now fetches the rendering context for filtering after the queryset have been determined. This allows us to adopt the context.
  • Function loadMore() in CatalogListController bypasses the existing search query. This allows to use hard coded links for tag search.
  • Using Python’s Enum class to declare customer states, such as UNRECOGNIZED, GUEST or REGISTERED.
  • Created a customized database field to hold the customers states, as stored by the above Enum.
  • Fixed: A server-side invalidated email addresses was accepted anyway, causing problems for returning customers.
  • Renamed CMS Page IDs for better consistency: * personal-details -> shop-customer-details to access the Customer Detail Page. * reset-password -> shop-password-reset to access the Reset Password Page. * new: shop-register-customer to access the Register User Page.
  • Moved all non-Python dependencies from bower_components into node_modules.
  • The breadcrumb now is responsible itself for being wrapped into a Bootstrap container.
  • Use Sekizai processors from django-angular. Replaced shop-ng-requires against ng-requires and shop-ng-config against ng-config.


  • Support for Python 3
  • Support for Django-1.9
  • Added abstract classes and for optional partial shipping.


  • Separated class:shop.views.catalog.ProductListView into its base and the new class class:shop.views.catalog.CMSPageProductListView which already has added it appropriate filters.
  • Moved into upper folder.
  • Prototype of shop.cascade.DialogFormPluginBase.get_form_data changed. It now accepts context, instance and placeholder.
  • Fixed: It was impossible to enter the credit card information for Stripe and then proceed to the next step. Using Stripe was possible only on the last step. This restriction has gone.
  • It now also is possible to display a summary of your order before proceeding to the final purchasing step.
  • To be more Pythonic, class:shop.models.cart.CartModelManager raises a DoesNotExist exception instead of None for visiting customers.
  • Added method filter_from_request to class:shop.models.order.OrderManager.
  • Fixed: OrderAdmin doesn’t ignores error if customer URL can’t be resolved.
  • Fixed: Version checking of Django.
  • Fixed: Fieldsets duplication in Product Admin.
  • CartPlugin now can be child of ProcessStepPlugin and BootstrapPanelPlugin.
  • Added ShopAddToCartPlugin.
  • All Checkout Forms now can be rendered as editable or summary.
  • All Dialog Forms now can declare a legend.
  • In DialogFormPlugin, method form_factory always returns a form class instead of an error dict if form was invalid.
  • Added method OrderManager.filter_from_request, which behaves analogous to CartManager.get_from_request.
  • Fixed lookups using MoneyField by adding method get_prep_value.
  • Dropped support for South migrations.
  • Fixed: In ProductIndex, translations now are always overridden.
  • Added class SyncCatalogView which can be used to synchronize the cart with a catalog list view.
  • Content of Checkout Forms is handled by a single transaction.
  • All models such as Product, Order, OrderItem, Cart, CartItem can be overridden by the merchant’s implementation. However, we are using the deferred pattern, instead of configuration settings.
  • Categories must be implemented as separate django-SHOP addons. However for many implementations pages form the django-CMS can be used as catalog list views.
  • The principle on how cart modifiers work, didn’t change. There more inversion of control now, in that sense, that now the modifiers decide themselves, how to change the subtotal and final total.
  • Existing Payment Providers can be integrated without much hassle.

Since version 0.2.1 a lot of things have changed. Here is a short summary:

  • The API of django-SHOP is accessible through a REST interface. This allows us to build MVC on top of that.
  • Changed the two OneToOne relations from model Address to User, one was used for shipping, one for billing. Now abstract BaseAddress refers to the User by a single ForeignKey giving the ability to link more than one address to each user. Additionally each address has a priority field for shipping and invoices, so that the latest used address is offered to the client.
  • Replaced model shop.models.User by the configuration directive settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, to be compliant with Django documentation.
  • The cart now is always stored inside the database; there is no more distinction between session based carts and database carts. Carts for anonymous users are retrieved using the visitor’s session_key. Therefore we don’t need a utility function such get_or_create_cart anymore. Everything is handled by the a new CartManager, which retrieves or creates or cart based on the request session.
  • If the quantity of a cart item drops to zero, this items is not automatically removed from the cart. There are plenty of reasons, why it can make sense to have a quantity of zero.
  • A WatchList (some say wish-list) has been added. This simply reuses the existing Cart model, where the item quantity is zero.
  • Currency and CurrencyField are replaced by Money and MoneyField. These types not only store the amount, but also in which currency this amount is. This has many advantages:
    • An amount is rendered with its currency symbol as a string. This also applies for JSON data-structures, rendered by the REST framework.
    • Money types of different currencies can not be added/substracted by accident. Normal installations woun’t be affected, since each shop system must specify its default currency.
  • Backend pools for Payment and Shipping have been removed. Instead, a Cart Modifier can inherit from PaymentModifier or ShippingModifier. This allows to reuse the Cart Modifier Pool for these backends and use the modifiers logic for adding extra rows to he carts total.
  • The models OrderExtraRow and OrderItemExtraRow has been replaced by a JSONField extra_rows in model OrderModel and OrderItemModel. OrderAnnotation now also is stored inside this extra field.
  • Renamed for convention with other Django application:
    • date_created -> created_at
    • last_updated -> updated_at
    • ExtraOrderPriceField -> BaseOrderExtraRow
    • ExtraOrderItemPriceField -> BaseItemExtraRow

Version 0.2.1

This is the last release on the old code base. It has been tagged as 0.2.1 and can be examined for historical reasons. Bugs will not be fixed in this release.

Version 0.2.0

  • models.FloatField are now automatically localized.
  • Support for Django 1.2 and Django 1.3 dropped.
  • Product model now has property can_be_added_to_cart which is checked before adding the product to cart
  • In cart_modifiers methods get_extra_cart_price_field and get_extra_cart_item_price_field accepts the additional object request which can be used to calculate the price according to the state of a session, the IP-address or whatever might be useful. Note for backwards compatibility: Until version 0.1.2, instead of the request object, an empty Python dictionary named state was passed into the cart modifiers. This state object could contain arbitrary data to exchange information between the cart modifiers. This Python dict now is a temporary attribute of the request object named cart_modifier_state. Use it instead of the state object.
  • Cart modifiers can add an optional data field beside label and value for both, the ExtraOrderPriceField and the ExtraOrderItemPriceField model. This extra data field can contain anything serializable as JSON.

Version 0.1.2

  • cart_required and order_required decorators now accept a reversible url name instead and redirect to cart by default

  • Added setting SHOP_PRICE_FORMAT used in the priceformat filter

  • Separation of Concern in OrderManager.create_from_cart: It now is easier to extend the Order class with customized data.

  • Added OrderConfirmView after the shipping backend views that can be easily extended to display a confirmation page

  • Added example payment backend to the example shop

  • Added example OrderConfirmView to the example shop

  • Unconfirmed orders are now deleted from the database automatically

  • Refactored order status (requires data migration)
    • removed PAYMENT and added CONFIRMING status
    • assignment of statuses is now linear
    • moved cart.empty() to the PaymentAPI
    • orders now store the pk of the originating cart
  • Checkout process works like this:
    1. CartDetails

    2. CheckoutSelectionView
      • POST –> Order.objects.create_from_cart(cart) removes all orders originating from this cart that have status < CONFIRMED(30)
      • creates a new Order with status PROCESSING(10)
    3. ShippingBackend
      • self.finished() sets the status to CONFIRMING(20)
    4. OrderConfirmView
      • self.confirm_order() sets the status to CONFIRMED(30)
    5. PaymentBackend
      • self.confirm_payment() sets the status to COMPLETED(40)
      • empties the related cart
    6. ThankYouView
      • does nothing!

Version 0.1.1

  • Changed CurrencyField default decimal precision back to 2

Version 0.1.0

  • Bumped the CurrencyField precision limitation to 30 max_digits and 10 decimal places, like it should have been since the beginning.
  • Made Backends internationalizable, as well as the BillingShippingForm thanks to the introduciton of a new optional backend_verbose_name attribute to backends.
  • Added order_required decorator to fix bug #84, which should be used on all payment and shipping views
  • Added cart_required decorator that checks for a cart on the checkout view #172
  • Added get_product_reference method to Product (for extensibility)
  • Cart object is not saved to database if it is empty (#147)
  • Before adding items to cart you now have to use get_or_create_cart with save=True
  • Changed spelling mistakes in methods from payed to paid on the Order model and on the API. This is potentially not backwards compatible in some border cases.
  • Added a mixin class which helps to localize model fields of type DecimalField in Django admin view.
  • Added this newly created mixin class to OrderAdmin, so that all price fields are handled with the correct localization.
  • Order status is now directly modified in the shop API
  • CartItem URLs were too greedy, they now match less.
  • In case a user has two carts, one bound to the session and one to the user, the one from the session will be used (#169)
  • Fixed circular import errors by moving base models to shop.models_bases and base managers to shop.models_bases.managers

Version 0.0.13

(Version cleanup)

Version 0.0.12

  • Updated translations
  • Split into several sub-files for better readability, and put in a urls shubfolder.
  • Made templates extend a common base template
  • Using a dynamically generated form for the cart now to validate user input. This will break your cart.html template. Please refer to the changes in cart.html shipped by the shop to see how you can update your own template. Basically you need to iterate over a formset now instead of cart_items.
  • Fixed a circular import problem when user overrode their own models

Version 0.0.11

  • Performance improvement (update CartItems are now cached to avoid unnecessary db queries)
  • Various bugfixes

Version 0.0.10

  • New hooks were added to cart modifiers: pre_process_cart and post_process_cart.
  • [API change] Cart modifiers cart item methods now recieve a state object, that allows them to pass information between cart modifiers cheaply.
  • The cart items are not automatically saved after process_cart_item anymore. This allows for cart modifiers that change the cart’s content (also deleting).
  • Changed the version definition mechanism. You can now: import shop; shop.__version__. Also, it now conforms to PEP 386
  • [API Change] Changed the payment backend API to let get_finished_url and get_cancel_url return strings instead of HttpResponse objects (this was confusing)
  • Tests for the shop are now runnable from any project
  • added URL to CartItemView.delete()

Version 0.0.9

  • Changed the base class for Cart Modifiers. Methods are now expected to return a tuple, and not direectly append it to the extra_price_fields. Computation of the total is not done using an intermediate “current_total” attribute.
  • Added a SHOP_FORCE_LOGIN setting that restricts the checkout process to loged-in users.

Version 0.0.8

  • Major change in the way injecting models for extensibility works: the base models are now abstract, and the shop provides a set of default implementations that users can replace / override using the settings, as usual. A special mechanism is required to make the Foreign keys to shop models work. This is explained in shop.utils.loaders

Version 0.0.7

  • Fixed bug in the extensibility section of CartItem
  • Added complete German translations
  • Added verbose names to the Address model in order to have shipping and billing forms that has multilingual labels.

Version 0.0.6

(Bugfix release)

  • Various bugfixes
  • Creating AddressModels for use with the checkout view (the default ones at least) were bugged, and would spawn new instances on form post, instead of updating the user’s already existing ones.
  • Removed redundant payment method field on the Order model.
  • The “thank you” view does not crash anymore when it’s refreshed. It now displays the last order the user placed.
  • Fixed a bug in the shippingbilling view where the returned form was a from class instead of a from instance.

Version 0.0.5

  • Fix a bug in 0.0.4 that made South migration fail with Django < 1.3

Version 0.0.4

  • Addresses are now stored as one single text field on the Order objects
  • OrderItems now have a ForeignKey relation to Products (to retrieve the product more easily)
  • New templatetag (“products”)
  • Made most models swappable using settings (see docs)
  • Changed checkout views. The shop uses one single checkout view by default now.
  • Created new mechanism to use custom Address models (see docs)
  • Moved all Address-related models to shop.addressmodel sub-app
  • Removed Client Class
  • Removed Product.long_description and Product.short_description from the Product superclass
  • Bugfixes, docs update

Version 0.0.3

  • More packaging fixes (missing templates, basically)

Version 0.0.2

  • Packaging fix (added

Version 0.0.1

  • Initial release to Pypi