16. REST Serializers

Good application programming style is to strictly separate of Models, Views and Controllers. In typical classic Django jargon, Views act as, what outsiders normally denote a controller.

Controllers can sometimes be found on the server and sometimes on the client. In django-SHOP a significant portion of the controller code is written in JavaScript in the form of Angular directives.

Therefore, all data exchange between the View and the Model must be performed in a serializable format, namely JSON. This allows us to use the same business logic for the server, as well as for the client. It also means, that we could create native mobile apps, which communicate with a web-application, without ever seeing a line of HTML code.

Moreover, since django-SHOP uses django-CMS to organize all available components, a classic Django “View” does not make much sense anymore. Therefore, as we evolve our Model-View-Control pattern into a modern web application, our REST serializers become the new controllers.

16.1. From a Database Model to the Serializer

As we already know, all database models from the django-SHOP framework are owned by the merchant implementation. Model serializers reflect their content and hence are tightly coupled with them. We therefore must be able to create our own serializers in a way similar to how we extend our database models. This means that we have a set of base serializers, which perform the task required by their basic counterpart models. Thus, if we extend these models, we normally also might want to extend their serializers.

16.2. Every URL is a REST endpoint

Every URL which is part of part of django-SHOP, namely the product’s list and detail views, the cart and checkout views, the order list and detail views, they all are REST endpoints. What does that mean?

16.2.1. Catalog List View

Say, we are working with the provided demo shop, then the product’s list view is available at http://localhost:8000/de/shop/ . By appending ?format=json to the URL, the raw data making up our product list, is rendered as a JSON object. For humans, this is difficult to read, therefore the Django Restframework offers a version which is more legible: Instead of the above, we invoke the URL as http://localhost:8000/de/shop/?format=api . This renders the list of products as:

rest-catalog-list Overriding the default Product Summary Serializer

from shop.serializers.bases import ProductSerializer
from myshop.models.product import MyProduct

class ProductSummarySerializer(ProductSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = MyProduct
        fields = ['id', 'product_name', 'product_url',
                  'product_type', 'product_model', 'price']

All these fields can be extracted directly from the product model with the exception of the sample image. This is because we yet do not know the final dimensions of the image inside its HTML element such as <img src="...">, and we certainly want to resize it using easy-thumbnails_ with Pillow_ before it is delivered. An easy way to solve this problem is to use the SerializerMethodField. Simply extend the above class to:

from rest_framework.serializers import SerializerMethodField

class ProductSummarySerializer(ProductSerializer):
    media = SerializerMethodField()

    def get_media(self, product):
        return self.render_html(product, 'media')

As you might expect, render_html assigns a HTML snippet to the field media in the serialized representation of our product. This method uses a template to render the HTML. The name of this template is constructed using the following rules:

  1. Look for a folder named according to the project’s name, ie. settings.SHOP_APP_LABEL in lower case. If no such folder can be found, then use the folder named shop.

  2. Search for a subfolder named products.

  3. Search for a template named “label-product_type-postfix.html”. These three subfieds are determined using the following rule: - label: the component of the shop, for instance catalog, cart, order. - product_type: the class name in lower case of the product’s Django model, for instance

    smartcard, smartphone or if no such template can be found, just product.

    • postfix: This is an arbitrary name passed in by the rendering function. As in the example above, this is the string media.


It might seem “un-restful” to render HTML snippets by a REST serializer and deliver them via JSON to the client. However, we somehow must re-size the images assigned to our product to fit into the layout of our list view. The easiest way to do this in a configurable manner is to use the easythumbnails_ library and its templatetag {% thumbnail product.sample_image ... %}.

The template to render the media snippet could look like:

{% load i18n thumbnail djng_tags %}
{% thumbnail product.sample_image 100x100 crop as thumb %}
<img src="{{ thumb.url }}" width="{{ thumb.width }}" height="{{ thumb.height }}">

The template of the products list view then may contain a list iteration such as:

{% for product in data.results %}
  <div class="shop-list-item">
    <a href="{{ product.product_url }}">
      <h4>{{ product.product_name }}</h4>
        {{ product.media }}
        <strong>{% trans "Price" %}: {{ product.price }}</strong>
{% endfor %}

The tag {{ product.media }} inserts the HTML snippet as prepared by the serializer from above. A serializer may add more than one SerializerMethodField. This can be useful, if the list view shall render different product types using different snippet templates.

16.2.2. Catalog Detail View

By following a URL of a product’s detail view, say http://localhost:8000/de/shop/smart-phones/apple-iphone-5?format=api , one may check the legible representation such as:


16.2.3. Routing to these endpoints

Since we are using CMS pages to display the catalog’s list view, we must provide an apphook which must be attached to this page. Since these catalog apphooks can vary in many ways they are not part of the shop framework, but must be created and added to the project as the Create the CatalogListApp.

The urlpattern matching the regular expression ^$ routes onto the catalog list view class shop.views.catalog.CMSPageProductListView passing in a special serializer class, for example myshop.serializers.ProductSummarySerializer. This has been customized to represent our product models in our catalog templates. Since the serialized data now is available as a Python dictionary or as a plain Javascript object, these templates then can be rendered by the Django template engine, as well as by the client using for instance AngularJS.

This View class, which inherits from rest_framework.generics.ListAPIView accepts a list of filters for restricting the list of items.

As we (ab)use CMS pages as categories, we somehow must assign them to our products. Therefore our example project assigns a many-to-many field named cms_pages to our Product model. Using this field, the merchant can assign each product to one or more CMS pages, using the apphook Catalog List.

This special filter_backend, shop.rest.filters.CMSPagesFilterBackend, is responsible for restricting selected products on the current catalog list view.

The urlpattern matching the regular expression ^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)$ routes onto the class shop.views.catalog.ProductRetrieveView passing in a special serializer class, myshop.serializers.ProductDetailSerializer which has been customized to represent our product model details.

This View class inherits from rest_framework.generics.RetrieveAPIView. In addition to the given serializer_class it can accept these fields:

  • lookup_field: Model field to look up for the retrieved product. This defaults to slug.
  • lookup_url_kwarg: URL argument as used by the matching RegEx. This defaults to slug.
  • product_model: Restrict to products of this type. Defaults to ProductModel.

The product detail view requires another serializer, the so called AddToCartSerializer. This serializer is responsible for controlling the number of items being added to the cart and gives feedback on the subtotal of that potential cart item.

By appending the special string add-to-cart to the URL of a product’s detail view, say http://localhost:8000/de/shop/smart-phones/apple-iphone-5/add-to-cart?format=api , one may check the legible representation of this serializer:


This serializer is slightly different than the previous ones, because it not only serializes data and sends it from the server to the client, but it also deserializes data submitted from the client back to the server using a post-request. This normally is the quantity, but in more elaborated use cases, it also could contain attributes to distinguish product variations. The AddSmartPhoneToCartSerializer for example, uses this pattern.

Since we may create our own Add this Product to Cart Serializer for each product type in our shop, hence overriding its functionality with a customized implementation, such a serializer may return any other information relevant to the customer. This could for instance be a rebate or just an update of the availability.

16.2.4. Cart and Checkout Views

CMS pages containing forms to edit the cart and the checkout views, do not require any URL routing, because their HTML is rendered by the CMS plugin system, whereas form submissions are handled by hard coded REST endpoints. These URLs are exclusively used by Ajax requests and never visible in the URL line of our browser. Those endpoints are configured by adding them to the root resolver at a project level:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^shop/', include('shop.urls', namespace='shop')),

The serializers of the cart then can be accessed at http://localhost:8000/shop/api/cart/ , those of the watch-list at http://localhost:8000/shop/api/watch/ and those handling the various checkout forms at http://localhost:8000/shop/api/checkout/ . Accessing these URLs can be useful, specially when debugging JavaScript code.

16.2.5. Order List and Detail Views

The Order List and Detail Views must be accessible through a CMS page, therefore we need a speaking URL. This is similar to the Catalog List View. This means that the Order Views require the apphook named “View Orders”, which must be configured in the advanced settings of the Order’s CMS pages. This apphook is shipped with django-SHOP itself and can be found at shop/cms_apps.py.

As with all other Views used by django-SHOP, the content of this View can also be rendered in its dictionary structure, instead of HTML. Just append ?format=api to the URL and get the Order details. In our myshop example this may look like:


16.2.6. Search Result Views

As with the Order View, also the Search Results View is accessible through a CMS page. Say, a search query directed us to http://localhost:8000/en/search/?q=iphone , then the content of this query can be made visible by adding &format=api to this URL and get the results in its dictionary structure. This is specially useful to test if a customized search serializer returns the expected results. In our myshop example this may look like:


16.3. Final Note

In previous versions of django-SHOP, these kinds of controller implementations had to be implemented by customized Django View classes. This programming pattern led to bloated code, because the programmer had to do a case distinction, whether the request was of type GET, POST or some kind of Ajax. Now django-SHOP is shipped with reusable View classes, and the merchant’s implementation must focus exclusively on serializers. This is much easier, because it separates the business logic from the underlying request-response-cycle.