
Naming conventions

The official name of this project is django-SHOP. Third party plugins for django-SHOP shall follow the same naming convention as for plugins of django-CMS: Third party package names shall start with djangoshop followed by a dash; no space or dash shall be added between django and shop, for example: djangoshop-stripe

Django-SHOP should be capitalised at the start of sentences and in title-case headings.

Running tests

It’s important to run tests before committing :)

Setting up the environment

We highly suggest you run the tests suite in a clean environment, using a tool such as virtualenv.

  1. Clone the repository and cd into it:
git clone
cd django-shop
  1. Create a virtualenv, and activate it:
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/django-shop
source ~/.virtualenvs/django-shop/bin/activate
  1. Install the project in development mode:
pip install -e .
  1. Install the development requirements:
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

That’s it! Now, you should be able to run the tests:

export DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=polymorphic
py.test tests

We use tox as a CI tool. To run the full CI test suite and get a coverage report, all you have to do is this:

pip install tox

If you work on a certain part of the code base and you want to run the related tests, you may only want to run the tests affecting that part. In such a case use py.test from your testing environment and specify the file to test, or for more granularity the class name or even the method name. Here are two examples:

py.test tests/
py.test tests/ -k test_pickle

Measuring which lines of code have been “seen” be the test runner is an important task while testing. Do this by creating a coverage report, for example with:

pip install coverage
coverage run $(which py.test) tests
coverage report

or if you to test only a specific class (assuming you have already ran tox once):

coverage run .tox/py27-django19/bin/py.test tests/
coverage report -m shop/money/*.py


Using tox and py.test is optional. If you prefer the conventional way of running tests, you can do this: test tests --settings shop.testsettings.


Most of the discussion around django SHOP takes place on IRC (Internet Relay Chat), on the freenode servers in the #django-shop channel.

We also have a mailing list and a google group:

Code guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, follow PEP 8 as closely as possible.

An exception to PEP 8 is our rules on line lengths. Don’t limit lines of code to 79 characters if it means the code looks significantly uglier or is harder to read. Consider 100 characters as a soft, and 119 as a hard limit. Here soft limit means, that unless a line must be splitted across two lines, it is more readable to stay with a long line.

Use the issue tracker only to report bugs. Send unsolicited pull requests only to fix bug – never to add new features.

Use stack-overflow to ask for questions related to django-SHOP.

Most pull requests will be rejected without proper unit testing.

Before adding a new feature, please write a specification using the style for Django Enhancement Proposals.

More information about how to send a Pull Request can be found on GitHub: