23. Working off Asynchronous Jobs

A merchant implementation serving django-SHOP, usually runs a few asynchronous jobs, such as cleaning stale entries, sending e-mail and building the search index. In Django, there are many ways to handle this, usually by integrating Celery into Django. However, a Celery setup is unnecessarily complicated and usually not required. Instead we can handle all of our asynchronous jobs using a short Python script, referred to as “The Worker” in the documentation. This stand-alone program runs in the same environment as our Django app.

Here is a short example, which can be used as a blueprint for your own implementation:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import redis
import schedule
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from django import setup
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.core.management import call_command

    # initialize Django
    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'my_shop.settings')

    # schedule jobs
    schedule.every().sunday.do(call_command, 'shopcustomers', delete_expired=True)
    schedule.every().day.at('10:00').do(call_command, 'rebuild_index', interactive=False)
    schedule.every().minute.do(call_command, 'send_queued_mail')

    if hasattr(settings, 'SESSION_REDIS'):
        redis_con = dict((key, settings.SESSION_REDIS[key]) for key in ['host', 'port', 'db', 'socket_timeout'])
        pool = redis.ConnectionPool(**redis_con)
        r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
        pubsub = r.pubsub()
        # we don't have a Redis message queue, emulate `pubsub`
        pubsub = type(str('PubSub'), (), {'get_message': lambda s, timeout=1: time.sleep(timeout)})()

    while True:  # the main loop
        message = pubsub.get_message(timeout=60)
        if message and message['data'] == 'send_queued_mail':

Here we schedule three jobs:

  • Once a week we remove customers, whose session expired and which never made it to the checkout.
  • Once a day we rebuild the search index for the Elasticsearch database.
  • At least once a minute we send emails pending in the queue. If Redis is configured, django-SHOP uses its internal message broker, and whenever an email is added to the queue, the asynchronous worker is notified, in order to send it straightaway.